I am so happy when I view the green grass and the evergreen trees here in the Willamette Valley at this time of year. I feel fortunate that I don’t shovel snow and have to be concerned about getting firewood out of the snow bank.
We lived in New Hampshire many years ago, and those chores were commonplace from mid September till first of May every year. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery, we liked the winter sports, but we were a whole lot younger then. I did not mind the work then, it was good exercise.
I remember the snow banks of 10 to 12 feet alongside the runways during take-off and landing of my aircraft. Many times after a mission I returned to my base and couldn’t land because of the snow falling and blanketing the runway. Often I had to go to an alternate base as far as 1,000 miles away and wait the weather out. I felt sorry that my family had to shovel the snow and drive in blizzard conditions while I basked in the sunshine elsewhere. Naturally, I told Barbara it was tough being away and suffering in the warmer climates such as Florida.
If we want snow now it is a short drive up into the Cascades; it is beautiful and only a short drive back to our wonderful valley.
Call me a softy, I don’t mind. I am reminded everyday of why I chose this area for our retirement, and I don’t regret the decision at all.