Last week, the Easy Acres Neighborhood Group invited all Lorane residents to attend a Firewise (Wildfire Prevention) program conducted by Alex Rahmlow, a coordinator from the Western Lane Fire division of the Oregon Department of Forestry. We had a really good turnout of approximately 30 people — about half from Easy Acres and half from the greater Lorane area.
A lot of interest was shown and questions were asked about what should be considered when we are ready to make our properties less inviting for wildfires. Much of the information is common sense, but it sharpened our focus on how very important it is to try and minimize the dry, brushy undergrowth near our homes, leaving at least a 30-foot green perimeter around our houses and outbuildings and a much wider band where brush has been cleared around trees and dead limbs and lower branches have been removed.
Caution about following the rules of designated guidelines posted by the fire districts during fire season is vital for each of us. During hot, dry summers we need to be careful not to use mowers, chainsaws, trimmers or other equipment that can emit sparks, usually after 1 p.m. each day during extreme fire danger periods.
The program did not focus so much on the commonsense considerations such as campfires in undesignated areas, throwing cigarette butts out the car window, dumping still-hot charcoal briquettes into areas that could catch fire or burning of any kind, but these are things that are still being done occasionally.
During the recent summer when the fire danger was extremely high, I frequently walked our dogs up Easy Acres and was shocked by the number of cigarette butts I found along the road — many that were obviously recent discards. Even though this is normally something that people know not to do during fire season (or any time), I shuddered to think what could happen to Jim and me and our neighbors if one of those had fallen on a dry patch of dead leaves and caught fire.
All of us need to be extra cautious — for our own sakes as well as our neighbors’. John Eckles is putting together an eight-member board for our community group on Easy Acres Drive to monitor and assess the conditions along our road. Other areas in and around Lorane that are particularly wooded or brushy should consider doing the same.
For more information on how to form these groups, contact Alex Rahmlow, the Western Lane planning coordinator at 541-935-2283.
I understand that congratulations are in order for Mrs. Heather Hohnstein, teacher of English, Drama and Health at Crow Middle/High School. She is to receive an award from the U.S. Air Force “in recognition of outstanding support and dedication to the ideals and principles of the USA in her careers class, and in helping students get ready for their futures.” Congratulations!
The Crow Grange will be sponsoring its annual Mother’s Day Breakfast on Sunday, May 13 from 8 to 11 a.m. The menu includes pancakes or biscuits and gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit juice and coffee. They suggest a $5 dollar donation per person.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there!
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Pat Edwards is an author, editor and columnist. She can be found online at