Here to Help

Lane County Voiture 80 enjoy evening with Family Relief Nursery

Lane County Voiture 80 of the Forty & Eight enjoy an evening with Diane Hazen (center, left) and Courtney McGinnis (center, right) of the Family Relief Nursery. IMAGE PROVIDED

Lane County Voiture 80 for the Forty & Eight has valued and enjoyed our relationship with the Family Relief Nursery since 2015 when we were encouraged by then-Cottage Grove Mayor Tom Monroe and Chamber of Commerce Manager Palmer Travis to consider the Family Relief Nursery to be our charitable recipient as our Child Welfare program.
Our time with outgoing FRN executive director Diane Hazen and new executive director, Courtney McGinnis again confirmed that ”Business is Personality,” and Courtney is going to be able to continue building and developing services and assistance to the families and children of Southern Lane County and Northern Douglas County just as successfully as the Family Relief Nursery has under Diane’s leadership.
Since 2015, close to $5,000 has been contributed to the Family Relief Nursery by members of Lane County Voiture 80, along with financial support from Oregon members of both the Forty & Eight and the ladies who make up La Societe de Femme women’s auxiliary.



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