Opinion & Editorial

The secret to getting older is living life

Quite often, people tell me I don’t look my age. I’m not certain if they believe I look older than my years or younger. Whatever, I soon reveal I’m proud I made it this far.
I’m asked, how did I live this long, or, what is my secret. I wish I knew, but I have no secret or idea. I could say it is the clean life I’ve led or the calm atmosphere, never getting excited, no alcohol, no smoking, not chasing so many girls etc. But there wouldn’t be any truth to that.
I still enjoy a drink or two a week, tried smoking and never liked it. I was a fighter pilot since I was 18 years old and flew combat a lot, so there goes the calm atmosphere and not being excited. Never tried drugs or even ”weed,” didn’t have a lot of luck chasing girls except for Barbara, my wife. Luckiest thing that ever happened to me. As far as flying fighters, we always said it was hours and hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer panic.
When I check the age of my friends, I note that most are around my age or perhaps 10 to 15 years younger. Not bad. When I was about 10 years old, the average age expectancy was between 65 and 72, hence Social Security was set at 62 to 65. I believe that life expectancy in Creswell is definitely above average.
It is fortunate that we live in this area with relatively low pollution, pure odorless water, lots of trees and other vegetation to purify the air, fresh foods available at reasonable cost and abundant electricity. We are close to a city and have good roads. Many of our necessities are reasonably priced or at least cheaper than in cities. We aren’t over-supplied in housing, but I believe that will improve. Our little grocery store does well, but we could use a supermarket.
Overall, Creswell, The Friendly City, is an ideal place to live.

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