Opinion & Editorial

Freedom of the press is something we should take seriously

Last week I voiced my opinion concerning the appearance of a recently refurbished home in town. I received many comments, pro and con, about the article. I appreciate that people took the time to observe and speak out.
It is the responsibility of any author that places articles in the newspaper to be as factual as possible in putting the information out, and the reader has the right to agree or not. It would be terrible if a newspaper were restrained from telling news or views because it would hurt someone’s feelings.
Freedom of the press is just that: “Freedom.” I will not report only on good things. I like to believe that I “tell it like it is.” And I respect your opinion if you agree with me or not. I have broad shoulders and can take criticism, or hand it out.
There are some persons that believe we should not pick on elected officials or their actions with published comments. I believe they should be thanked for their service and efforts but also told when they are perceived to err.
If you would like to voice your concerns regarding a topic relating to Creswell, I will gladly communicate your views on a subject through my column. You can contact me by leaving a message at The Chronicle, 541-895-2197.
The Colonel’s headline last week, “Previously restored home now full of junk…” was unclear. The Colonel would like to clarify that he has not been inside the house, but observed it from outside the property. The Chronicle apologizes for the confusion.

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