Cottage Grove, Opinion & Editorial

LTE: Kudos to local newspapers recording history in the making

Dear Chronicle and Sentinel Editors,

A very good friend, Marcia Allen, who was president of the CG Historical Society for many years, said to me, many times, “History not written down is history lost.”

I would like to compliment the two weekly papers on the very comprehensive reporting on two major historical events. 

First, I would like to point out Cindy Weeldreyer’s comprehensive report in the Sentinel on Richard Meyers’ retirement and his accomplishments. Her reporting is excellent and should stand as a historical document for those who come after us.

The Sentinel of Sept. 29 carries a 2nd article written by Cindy on the 20th anniversary of the CG Hospital. Another fine article written by a person who lived the times and certainly will stand as a historical document in time to come.

That same Sentinel issue of the 29th also features a beautiful comprehensive report on the formation and need of the CG hospital on its 20th anniversary, written by Casey Woodard. Casey goes into more intimate detail of how and who formed the drive for the citizens of CG who brought about the new CG hospital in 2003 

The Chronicle publication of Sept. 28 also carried a report on the retirement of city manager Richard Meyers by Sharon Jean. Again, a very comprehensive, well-written document of a person who lived the times and was deeply involved in the community through his administration.

Finally, a good job of reporting  by Amanda Lurey for The Chronicle regarding the 20-year anniversary of the CG hospital and the retirement of Meyers as city manager.

The reason I view these articles as potent is for the historical documents for today’s reader who may be new to the community or was young and uninterested in community affairs at the time of the original event.

For those interested in history, be sure to go back and read the above articles – there is so much detail.

Donald Williams
Cottage Grove

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