
A new beginning awaits the Becks

“The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.’ So Abram went, as the Lord had told him.” – Genesis 12: 1-4

My mother told me that the first move our young family made was because of me. We lived in town and across the street from us lived a retired sailor. He loved to tell sea stories (true or not?) to my older brothers and me.

One day when our mother was caring for my baby brother, I decided to go see the sailor so young, at 3 years old, across the street, by myself. The sailor carried me home, and I discovered that Mom and Dad were not at all pleased with my independent toddling.

Soon afterward, we moved out to the country.

As an adult I have made several moves, but I must admit, I’m not sure that any of them have been at the nudging of God.

My wife, Alma, and I are preparing to move again. The decision has both positive and negative considerations: My body has gotten too old, or run down, to keep up with the work required to care for our small farm, plus I really need to get away from the seasonal wildfires (my asthma really reacts to the smoke).

On the negative side, we are leaving many of the things we love: our work in the church and Alma’s work with the homeless; my efforts with the Veterans of Foreign Wars; Kiwanis and the Patriotic Flag program; mentoring at the school – moving away from friends who have become family.

Any new beginning offers both challenges and rewards: I am looking forward to moving back to the Oregon coast with its cleaner air and a smaller home and yard. The challenges do offer positive outcomes: first finding a new church and making new friends, then finding new outlets for our dwindling energies, and we do plan on occasional visits with the “family” we are leaving behind.

We have enjoyed being here for the past 40-plus years, and will miss you. Please pray for us in our move, and pray for the continued growth of this fellowship.

Thank you, with the love of God, Bob Beck.

Bob Beck is a member of the Ebbert Methodist Church and a contributor to The Chronicle.

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