Opinion & Editorial

Crow car show benefit kids; update on Jim

The Crow Booster Club 17th annual Car Show will be held on July 9 after h av i n g t wo record-breaking years with over 140 cars on display. This year’s car show will be held on the Crow High School Football Field. Activities throughout the day including raffles, a kids’ zone, pancake breakfast, silent auction and concessions. Gates open at 6 a.m.; participants must be checked-in with registration before 11 a.m. There is a multi-car/ class discount, so bring all your cars and enter them in more than one class. Download your form at crowboosterclub.com/ online-registration and mail it to the Crow Booster Club at P.O. Box 1228, Veneta, OR 97487, or fi ll out an on-line registration and payment option that are also available. The Crow Car Show is an annual fundraiser that benefi ts all K-12 age groups affi liated with the Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District. The Crow Booster Club is not just an athletic-based organization; its projects benefi t all student interests and activities.


My husband, Jim, underwent a fairly serious back surgery last Monday, and life has taken on a whole new rhythm for us both since then. The surgery which involved two fusions and a break-repair went well. He was released from the hospital on Wednesday evening to come home, but there have been some complications involving surgery and medication in general that he’s had to deal with. We are so pleased that his strength and ability to do things, like roll from a reclining position to a sitting one, are slowly returning, and both of us are anxious to get through these early days. Fortunately, we are blessed to have family close by who have been supportive and ready to help out when needed. Thanks to all of you who have sent their love and prayers to him. They’ve meant a lot and have been very successful. We’re looking forward to the pain-free days and a bit more mobility which, hopefully, await him following the eventual physical therapy and exercise that he will be assigned.



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