If you’re a rural resident of Lane County, there might be a bicycle in your future.
Becky Taylor grew up riding her bicycle everywhere as a child in Lane County north of Coburg. “My best friend lived just across the county line and we rode to and from our homes all the time.” Today, Taylor is Lane County’s senior transportation planner and understands “biking isn’t as easy these days due to increased vehicle traffic or other impediments that make biking a less desirable option.”
Taylor leads the Lane County bicycle master plan, focused on improving the safety and comfort of rural county roads and paved paths. Its broader goal is “enabling anyone in Lane County to bicycle (and) go wherever they want whether for recreation, exercise, commuting seniors, or fitness.”
Taylor said public input is important.
“It’s an opportunity for your voice to be heard. Our process respects the value of community-informed solutions, whether from weekend warriors out for a 50-mile ride, daily commuters seeking low cost and fitness-developing ways of commuting to work, or recreational mountain and touring bikers.”
Adds Taylor: “Bicycle use is increasing nationally, and even more so in Lane County. With contributions from the public, we can make intelligent and appropriate changes to our infrastructure that make bicycling a viable transportation option for our rural residents.”
The county has two virtual meetings scheduled in March and invites residents to contribute to the process. At the end of the process, the plan will go before Lane County Commissioners with recommendations to improve the:
g Safety and comfort for people who bike and all roadway users. Connectivity of regional bicycling between rural communities and the urban area.
g Equity of access to convenient, safe, and affordable means of transportation.
g Economic development opportunities for bicycle tourism-related businesses.
g Public health benefits from expanded active transportation.