LORANE – Sunny and warm days are allowing us to stay outside and socially distance. Last week, our son, Rob, came over and cut up some of last winter’s fallen tree branches for firewood on our five-acre homesite. While he was here, I mowed our property on our riding lawn mower and our daughter, Michele, manned the hand mower on the hilly areas where the riding mower won’t reach. My husband, Jim, even came outside for a while once I was done with the riding mower and pulled our little trailer behind it and picked up small tree limbs and brush to put on the burn pile. We were all together, but still distanced from each other, and it felt so good to be doing something productive as a family.
It is such a temptation to begin to feel that maybe, in our area, anyway, this virus is not such a big deal. But I think that those of us who begin to feel that way don’t realize that so far, it hasn’t been a New York or New Orleans-like crisis because we have been following the directives and haven’t allowed the virus cases to spread.
We are doing a really good job of containing it by distancing ourselves from each other and we must continue to follow the CDC’s directives so that we can truly feel safe again as soon as possible.
Contact Pat through her website, allthingslorane.com