Hayward Field under construction, 2020
Photo by Bradley Cook, Flashbox Studio, Eugene, OR
EUGENE – USA Track & Field officials announced this morning that the Olympics Trials will take place June 18–27, 2021 in a new, state-of-the-art Hayward Field at the University of Oregon in the southern Willamette Valley.
The competition schedule will remain much the same. While there is a possibility that certain timings of the competition windows may shift, the events taking place on each day will not change. The schedule of events can be found online.
Existing ticket customers will have their tickets automatically rolled over to the new dates in 2021. Customers who wish to request a refund can do so at TrackTown20.com. Ticketing policies and procedures for refund requests are available at TrackTown20.com. The refund process, which starts Wednesday, April 22, will remain open for 90 days.
Joey Blum, an author and international track & field official, will resume his “Countdown to the Trials” page next year in advance of the event. Cascadia Foot & Ankle has been a valuable sponsor and partner of The Chronicle’s coverage around The Trials and its impact on the people and businesses of the southern Willamette Valley.