Dear Editor,
I would like to express my opinion, once again, on the latest outcome to the horse neglect in Creswell. As an animal advocate, I am truly disappointed in the final outcome of the situation handled by Lane County.
First of all, some folks truly wish that the animal neglect, abandonment, cruelty and abuse situations of animals would and should be much more strictly enforced. A person who had 61 horses on a property on which several died from neglect and starvation is appalling.
If our folks in charge could just enforce the animal laws, it would be very rewarding to all involved. There was no jail sentence and I believe there was a $50,000 restitution imposed.
Some folks may wonder how much an enormous restitution fine can be imposed when there seems to not be enough money to feed and care for the horses.
Horses are large animals and need quality food as well as veterinarian visits to keep them healthy and strong. So all we can hope for is that in these situations, if they are to arise again, laws can be more strictly enforced.
Kathy January