
Public has unique chance to meet board

An official public meeting of the SUB board scheduled Thursday, June 20 — where board members will respond directly to Springfield residents and ratepayers. It’s believed to be a first by an elected board in Springfield.
The Springfield Utility Board offsite meeting – open to the public – is hosted by the Springfield City Club. It begins at noon in the Hilton Garden Inn.
The event is free, however lunch is available for $13 (card or cash). The format will be a short introduction by each board member, followed by the opportunity for questions. The City Club members provided a few questions as “thought-starters.”
“What is SUB’s relationship to the City?”
“Why are our rates so high?”
“Why are rates so low?”
“Why doesn’t SUB utilize more solar powered vehicles?”
“Why is SUB so dependent on BPA Power?”
“What is the long-term water situation?”
“Should SUB be more active in water conservation?”
“Should SUB be more active in electric conservation?”
“How can rate payers address the MWMC Fee Charges imposed by the City and collected by SUB?”
“What is SUB doing to help encourage home construction in Springfield?”
“What is SUB’s long-term relationship with EWEB?”
“What is SUB’s long-term relationship with Rainbow?”
“What is SUB doing to help avoid water and electric disconnections for low income ratepayers?”
“Is SUB involved in Fiber Optics?
Resident who can’t attend this event are encouraged to send questions to [email protected]



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