This Thanksgiving, I am most grateful, as always, for my much-loved family – warm, capable, independent, fun, loving people all: My daughter Meghann, son-in-law Austin and their precious children, Emma and Bryson; my son Jef; and my daughter Breanna and son-in-law Peter. I am continuously awed, humbled and inspired by them all.
I am also very thankful for my two beloved kitties, Lissie and Caroline, and for the good and wise friends I am fortunate to have.
Beyond that, I am thankful for the time I’ve had this summer and fall to focus on reclaiming my health with the help of an attentive team of medical professionals and a skilled therapist.
I am grateful for the unexpected opportunity to continue writing sports stories for The Chronicle this year, and to continue working with the high school sports teams and coaches and – however tangentially – with the amazing, energetic, visionary crew who are making our small-town newspaper one to be proud of and a publishing force to be reckoned with.
I am grateful to be part of such a caring and compassionate community. Time and again, friends, neighbors and others come together in times of individual need or loss with that ready outpouring of love and support that makes us all so blessed to live here.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. May you all find many blessings of your own to count this season!