Opinion & Editorial

Time to utilize your right to vote

We received our voting ballot for the November election, and I noticed that there are only two persons running for the Creswell city council; however, there are three vacancies. I hope there are some write-ins. We need a full council to conduct the city’s business.
Also of note are the ballot measures that are designed to change our state constitution. Please read them carefully and decide if you really want the laws and rules of the state changed: Do you believe that in the long run these are all needed and helpful for our future?
So vote your conscience but mostly, remember to vote. I really dislike hearing persons berate the outcome of any election and then to learn that these same people didn’t bother to even cast a ballot.
I had the opportunity to visit the shop classes conducted by Mr. Stan Mercer this past week at both the middle school and the high school. I noted that students mostly were very interested and they certainly were learning from this teacher. It is a welcome program teaching what I call Manual Arts. We need qualified welders, truck drivers, mechanics, carpenters, draftsmen, etc., and we need them now. Check the help wanted ads and you will see what I am talking about. These are well paying jobs and do not require a college degree. By and large, I learned people who work with common sense are important and a must to succeed. This is part of what Stan is teaching. These young students are not going to be ”Educated Idiots,” but well-qualified, knowledgeable workers and entrepreneurs.

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