City & Government

August cop log, by the numbers

Each month, Lane County Sheriff Office Creswell Sergeant Scott Denham currates a sheriff’s log for calls received and presents it to Creswell City Council.
During this presentation, Denham presents call volumes and numbers of cases generated throughout the month, and also provides graphs and comparative charts for council to examine and ask any questions relating to police activity in the City.
The log is all of the calls generated by callers, Denham explained.
The log is, ”Everything, including self-initiated calls, like patrol checks and vehicle stops,” he said. ”I don’t count those unless they result in a case number or arrest…. Any of those that generate a report get a case number, regardless of if it is further investigated. Each case number may get multiple reports if it is investigated.”
According to the report presented on Sept. 10, deputies received 200 calls regarding a variety of activity in August 2018 and generated 27 cases. This is one less call and five less cases generated compared to the July 2018 numbers.
There were no Measure 11 calls received, compared to the two calls received in July. Measure 11s range from murder, manslaughter, homicide, assault, kidnapping, sodomy, rape and arson. There was, however, one case number generated in the Measure 11 category for the robbery at Dari Mart on South Front Street.
The robbery occurred just after 6 a.m on Aug. 27. The suspect fled the store on foot with cash and lottery tickets, and police are still asking for help locating the suspect. The initial investigation revealed that a Hispanic male, with dark, shoulder-length hair and a goatee entered the store and demanded both cash and lottery tickets.
The suspect is described as wearing black shorts, a black jacket over a light colored t-shirt, black gloves, a dark colored baseball-type hat worn backwards, and black shoes. It is unknown if he had a weapon. As of Monday, there is no new information available about this robbery, Denham said.
Nine Offenses Against State calls were received, relating to drugs and warrants and seven reports were generated.
Thirty-seven Property calls were received, an increase from last month’s 29. Property calls from burglaries, theft, criminal mischief, trespassing and found property. Of those 37 Property calls,12 turned into cases.
A total of 16 Person calls were received, ranging from assaults, menacing, harassment and violations for restraining orders. Of those 16 Person calls, two cases were generated.
A total of 66 Public Order calls were received, ranging from disorderly subjects, suspicious vehicles and persons, animal calls and citizen initiated contacts. Two cases were generated.
Thirty-two Individual Welfare calls were received, ranging from welfare checks, missing persons, overdoses and suicidal subjects. Of those 32 Individual Welfare calls, five cases were generated.
Twenty-six Vehicle calls were received, relating to DUIIs, illegal parking, traffic hazards and crashes. Of those 26 calls, 7 cases were opened.
Fourteen Civil calls were received, relating to civil service, eviction processes, or government administration and two cases were generated.

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