
Sweet Lorane Community News

I’m doing a “happy dance” today. I just finished my latest book and will tell you a bit about it soon. Right now, I’ve got some Lorane upcoming events to talk about.
First of all, I want to congratulate the 2018 Crow High School graduates. Their graduation will have already taken place by the time you read this. Crow always has a good turnout for their graduations. Our students are important to us and we are all proud of the accomplishments of each of them. Congratulations!
I missed getting a notice out on the Crow High School’s Mat (Wrestling) Club’s recent fundraiser. They had a Goodwill donation drive where they parked a trailer at the high school to collect items. The trailer is gone now, but I imagine that the need for donations is still valid. Because all our schools are struggling with their budgets, the non-academic expenses such as athletics, drama and other extracurricular activities can always use help so that all students — even those who cannot afford the fees that the teams must charge — can participate. Give Troy or Coleen Jentzsch a call at 541-521-9275 if you wish to make a donation to the wrestling team for next year.
A group of Lorane residents have begun meeting twice a month to work on spinning, knitting, quilting and other sewing/craft projects and they would love to invite other members to join them. They are meeting every first and third Thursday of each month from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Beverley Sieminski at 541-942-3812 or send her an email at [email protected] to get more information, including the location. She owns Winding River Farm in Lorane on Siuslaw River Road. Check out her website at
The 15th Annual Crow Car Show will be happening again this year. It will take place on Saturday, July 14 at the Crow High School football field. On display will be an array of over 100 cars, trucks, Jeeps, tractors and much more. They are offering a free pancake breakfast between 8 and 10 a.m. There will also be a free kids’ zone (beginning at 9 a.m.), an oral auction beginning at 1 p.m., raffles, concessions and an Antiques and Craft Fair. Did I mention free admission, too?
Registration closes at noon on the day of the show. First- and second-place trophies will be awarded in all classes. All proceeds will benefit the Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District. For more information go to
Don’t forget to have your calendars marked for the following events:
Saturday, July 7: The Michael and Amber Matchulat fundraiser at King Estate Winery’s Vineyard Pavilion from 5 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $25 per person for dinner, dancing, silent and live auctions, and raffles.
Saturday, Aug. 4: A busy, busy day. I’m guessing that the Lorane Community Wide Yard Sale will run from about 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. More on it later. The Art in the Country Fine Art and Author Festival will be held at the Applegate Regional Theater grounds which was once the Central Elementary School, north of Crow on Central Road, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Crow Grange Chicken ’n Pickin’ BBQ and old-time fiddler music event. I don’t have the times for this yet, but I’ll give you more info next week. Attend one of these events, or all of them!
Sunday, Aug. 12: The Lorane Community Potluck Picnic and Ice Cream Social. There will be an unveiling of the new beautiful mural that afternoon as well as all the fun events scheduled each year.
If anyone has questions about any of these events, feel free to contact me ([email protected]) and I can direct you to who is in charge of each.
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Pat Edwards is an author, editor and columnist. She can be found online at

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