Opinion & Editorial

Those born on the Snake/Horse cusp face challenges

I received a question from a reader of The Chronicle who was born under the sun sign Aquarius during the lunar cusp Years of the Snake and Horse. She was born four days after the lunar year changed from Snake to Horse. A lunar year lasts for one year, so when an individual is born under the sun sign Aquarius, they are born on the cusp of two lunar signs. This Aquarius-Horse was born during the transition of the new lunar year and both lunar signs influence her traits significantly.  

The Aquarius-Horse/Snake says she has been facing dramatic health challenges this year, including minor accidents that brought significant pain. She wonders when the bad luck will end for her. The good news is the Year of the Rat will be coming to an end soon, which will offer Horse-born individuals a brighter and more successful year, and Snake-born individuals will be able to move past the dramatic events that influenced their misfortune. 

Snake-born individuals enjoyed a considerable amount of good fortune this year, including positive activities that offered positive drama, but for an Aquarius-Snake/Horse cusp-born individual, it certainly must have felt like a yearlong roller coaster ride, with happy moments woven between dramatic misfortune. 

The Year of the Ox, 2021, will bring the Snake-born some feelings of discontent, disagreements, and financial blunders. The key for Snakes in ’21 is to stay calm and avoid confrontations. Horse-born individuals will face a luckier year in ’21, with more control over their success and outcomes. Horses will need to work hard, but with greater financial gain, and the unfortunate incidents and accidents will transition away. 

When we consider the Aquarius-Horse/Snake’s question about when her bad luck will end, it is likely she will face a measure of discontent transitioning into next year, but behaving with a flexible approach when interacting with others will help her through stressful moments when her associates challenge her opinions and decisions. She will move past her health issues and the mishaps next year, and she will feel a sense of strength, power, and control of her own life returning to her. She will work hard, and she can reach her goals and improve her financial stability in 2021.

So, dear Aquarius-Horse/Snake, hang in there. Sustain your positive, sweet nature, and look forward to happier days ahead.

Famous people born under the sign Aquarius-Horse/Snake include actor John Travolta, entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey, cartoonist Matt Groening, and model Christie Brinkley.

I am happy to answer your questions in this column. Please include the exact birth dates (month, day, year) of all those who are included in your questions. Send your questions to [email protected]. For private consultations, please visit my website at YourMoonSign.com



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