Before Springfield City Council met for its 7 p.m. regular meeting on April 1, the mayor and councilors had a work session at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the hiring process for the new city administrator position, particularly the merits of using an online interview. Mary Bridget Smith, attorney representing Springfield[Read More…]
Let’s Rock! – Springfield Thunderegg Rock Club hosts show
Jacek Tomasik collects rocks and minerals from his home countries in Central Europe. He was one of the vendors at the 62nd Annual Thunderegg Rock and Mineral Show on April 6-7. Aliya Hall/The Creswell Chronicle For rock and mineral enthusiasts, the 62nd Annual Thunderegg Rock and Mineral Show on April[Read More…]
Jolene Leu Photography combines experience, affordability
Jolene Leu is a Springfield photographer who specializes in wedding, senior and family photos. She has eight years of experience and prioritizes affordability Photo provided/Sunshine Photography Springfield photographer Jolene Leu wants to be there for brides and families who don’t have a thousand dollar budget. With eight years of experience,[Read More…]
On Your Mark – Springfield hosts first-ever Run with a Cop
Aliya Hall/The Creswell Chronicle Run with a Cop on March 31 at Dorris Ranch was sponsored by the Eugene and Springfield Police Department to raise money for the Eugene and Springfield Special Olympics Program. The program offers sporting opportunities to over 350 athletes. At left, runners start their 5K during[Read More…]
Thurston Colts advance to semifinals
Andrew Breig/The Creswell Chronicle Thurston quarterback Cade Crist crosses the goal line unopposed in last week’s quarterfinal match-up against the Lancers.
Jenni B Jeweled crafts vintage, rustic jewelry
Jenni Babcock is the owner and jeweler behind the brand Jenni B Jeweled. Her style is vintage and rustic, using metals and leathers, along with keys and words from old books. Aliya Hall/The Creswell Chronicle Jenni Babcock of Springfield said she found her jewelry style when she started to look[Read More…]
Springfield man dies in motorcycle crash on Sept. 8
On Saturday, Sept. 8 around 3:58 a.m., Springfield police and fire responded to the 5200 Franklin Blvd block regarding a single motorcycle crash in the Glenwood area. Preliminary investigation revealed that the motorcycle was traveling south at a high rate of speed over the bridge and lost control, struck a[Read More…]
Springfield Justice Center to conduct open house Sept. 22
The Springfield Police Department invites the public to visit the Police Department at Springfield Justice Center at 230 Fourth St., Saturday, Sept. 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be safety information, refreshments, tours of the department, police canine demonstrations, S.W.A.T. van, police motorcycles, police bicycles and patrol[Read More…]
Irma refugee struggles to make Springfield home
Frankie Mayes was given a one-way ticket to wherever he wanted to relocate after the home he shared with his father was filled with flood-waters, when the Category 4 Atlantic hurricane Irma made landfall last year in Florida. The airfare from FEMA was an opportunity for Mayes to rebuild after[Read More…]
Good deed leads to $50,000 Powerball win for Springfield man
Todd Howard of Springfield PHOTO PROVIDED The broken railing was bugging Todd Howard of Springfield. Nearly every weekend he would take his daughter to yogurt and notice the potentially dangerous railing. On a recent visit to get yogurt with his daughter, Howard decided to take his tools. ”I just thought[Read More…]